20 Ways to Save Money on Your Next Month’s Electricity Bill

We do not tend to pay attention to electricity unless we see our electric bill. Especially during the summers electric bill is probably one of the highest utility bill.
Here are few ways to save money on electric bill.
1. Get CFL bulbs instead of incandescent lamps (normal light bulbs). There will definitely be a drop in your bill. CFL bulbs consume about 25% of the electricity of the incandescent bulbs.
2. Always unplug the appliances which are not being used like kitchen appliances and computers or laptops. Even if you are not using them electricity still flows through the plug.
3. During the summers draw the curtains and keep your shades and blinds down so that the house remains cool and you don’t have to bear the scorching heat. Try to block the direct sunlight as much as you can.
4. Shady trees can be planted on the southwest direction of your home
5. Try to use natural light. One can install a skylight if your room has the roof access.
6. If you are boiling water keep it covered with the lid for prevention of any heat loss.
7. Always and always switch off the lights as soon as you go out of the room or it will add up to the electricity bill.
8. Minimize the use of Air Conditioner as much as you can. Try to use fan alternatively this will keep the room cool or lower the settings of the AC.
9. Turn off your computer when you are not using even for 15 minutes. Do not keep it in stand by mode. Though not much power is consumed.
10. If you are from India, make sure you check electricity meter readings regularly. Also make sure to check the previous bill and next bill meter entries. I observed many faulty electricity meter cases around.
11. If you are working or studying or doing some particular work, you can use table lamps. There is no point in lighting the whole room.
12. Make sure you change the filters of AC/Heating appliance. Change them frequently so that it will enhance the efficiency. According to MSN, one can save 10% of the bill by cleaning or replacing the clogged filters
13. Also, try to clean the bulbs and the light fixtures. Sometimes layers of dust can reduce light levels.
14. Your refrigerator setting should be between 2C and 5C and the freezer should be at -18C. Your food will remain fresh and also less power will be consumed.
15. During winters try to let in sunlight, so that you don’t use heaters. One can use hot water bottles to keep him/her warm so that you can save money on electric bill.
16. If you use a hair dryer, lower the settings. Do not make it to the maximum . Your hair will not be exposed to much heat and also power will be consumed.
17. If you are at home switch off the answering machine and also TV’s or DVD player. About 40% of the energy is consumed by these electrical devices. You can plug all the devices into a single surge protector. This will also protect your devices.
18. Run the dishwasher only when it is completely full. When the dishes are washed dry them at room temperature.
19. Reduce the use of hot water by fixing the leaky taps or try to reduce the shower length.
20. Make use of Solar Power. The most efficient system of energy available is a gas boosted solar hot water system.
Thus, if you adopt these few inconsequential habits you will definitely see a drop in your electricity bill. Follow these ways to save money on electric bill forever and always.